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Victor Acevedo

Selected Digital Images: 2000–2018

The Harry Robinson Series: 2000–2023

In Cyberiana Opening: Saturday December 30, 2023 10am-1pm PST / 1pm-4pm EST


Cyberiana was conceived and built as a Techpressionist Web3 project to essentially present a group digital art exhibition in an interrelated complex of architectural spaces. As described in the prospectus it is an "online exhibition fully realized in a virtual 3D world. Cyberiana is a town square, which gives access to customizable 3-D studio spaces, one for each participating artist. The platform that Cyberiana uses is Mozilla Hubs, a browser-based open-source 3-D environment. It allows for avatars to float around and communicate, to share audio, pictures, screens, WebCams, and all sorts of interactive methodology within a virtual space.”


Cyberiana is produced and curated by Tommy Mintz, Renata Janiszewska, Stephen Paré, and Michael Pierre Price.


Victor Acevedo, December 2023


Artist Statement


It’s been a great experience to participate in the Cyberiana project. It’s always quite rewarding to present artwork in a gallery setting, no matter whether it’s in a virtual online space or in real life (IRL).


The fact that viewers can encounter and vibe with the work, from a seemingly endless array of vantage points of their own choosing via a zero-gravity-like navigational platform, is delightful. It encourages ways of moving or flying about the gallery space that are just not possible in real life. This supports and resonates with the metaphysical, mystical or spiritual, and/or philosophical, messaging that is many times received and deciphered by interacting sensorially with (digital) image or sonic artifacts.


The show that I have curated for my studio/gallery space in Cyberiana is a retrospective of 12 selected works in two sections. One part is a selection of six works; many of which are still images from video works; videos that I would call Electronic Visual Music pieces.  Many are purely geometrical or polyhedrally derived abstractions and a couple of them include figuration.


The other part is a selection of six works from what I call The Harry Robinson Series. The original image from this series was created 23 years ago. It was titled A Glass of Wine with Harry. It is a geometric surrealist portrait of my dear friend Harry Robinson (RIP). We went to Alhambra High School together (1968-1972) and later he was the first person to ever purchase some of my analog media artwork. This included the 16”x20” oil on canvas painting called Slated Breakfast Visceral Analytic (1981)


I recently got access to some of my old Iomega Jaz cartridges. One of which contained a few outake versions of this piece. They had been created along the way toward arriving at the final version that was titled A Glass of Wine with Harry. This version has been shown publicly a few times beginning in its “year of birth,” 2000.


A couple of the rediscovered files had all the original Photoshop layers intact. This allowed for a robust contemporaneous remastering of the image. I was moved to jump in and follow the road not taken, if you will. I was able to bring an alternate version of A Glass of Wine with Harry to a satisfactory completion. In fact, it opened the floodgates to develop a whole series of images based on the original source photograph and the original computer graphic 3D geometry that was applied to it. These new versions have each been named and numbered sequentially

as a Geometrical Portrait of Harry Robinson.


In addition to the 12 still images on the gallery walls, there are some other digital objects to be discovered in the space. In the center of the room is a table, propped up on which is a rectangular facsimile of my ebook called:


ACEVEDO in Context: Analog Media 1977-1987 Digital Media 1983-2020

A 43-Year Illustrated career survey and artist biography. 400 pages with 595 images in landscape format.

This is the first edition and it was published by Acevedomedia in November 2022. In Cyberiana, the digital book facsimile object functions as a link that will take you directly to the Acevedo in Context page on Amazon. The page is live and one can purchase a copy, if they wish. (see below for more info)


Exhibition Check List. For purchase of any image as a signed limited edition

print or as an NFT file, please contact the Acevedomedia studio via:


















Geometry study for the Harry Robinson series

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: March 2000

© 2023 Victor Acevedo





















Geometrical Portrait of Harry Robinson v01

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2000-2023

© 2023 Victor Acevedo





















Geometrical Portrait of Harry Robinson v02

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2000-2023

© 2023 Victor Acevedo





















Geometrical Portrait of Harry Robinson v03

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2000-2023

© 2023 Victor Acevedo





















Geometrical Portrait of Harry Robinson v04

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2000-2023

© 2023 Victor Acevedo





















A Glass of Wine with Harry

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: March 2000


This the first 'final' version of this image that Acevedo decided upon in 2000. Describing it in 2022 he wrote, "This is a surrealist portrait of my friend Harry Robinson. The source photo was taken at a wedding reception in Southern California sometime in the early 1980s. Also in the image is another good friend, Carlos Amador. I’ve always enjoyed the visual pun of one of the structure’s spheric nodes dipping into the wine glass. It was a way to connect the geometry to the photographic space. If you look closely at the texture-mapped sphere enveloping Harry’s head, you will see multi-directional curvilinear echoes of my image called Eric in Orense."


















Terabyte Psychedelics_s02

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2016

© 2023 Victor Acevedo


















4-Fold Axis_s05

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2018

© 2023 Victor Acevedo


















Recordings v02: Self Portrait 02

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2017

© 2023 Victor Acevedo


















Recordings v02: Life Form v03

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2017

© 2023 Victor Acevedo


















Blue Sky Geometry

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2000

© 2023 Victor Acevedo


















Drone in Horizontal Slide

Digital print, Size: various
Date created: 2016

© 2023 Victor Acevedo


ACEVEDO in Context: Analog Media 1977-1987 Digital Media 1983-2020
A 43-Year Illustrated career survey + artist biography
EBOOK edition 400 pages in landscape format 595 images
By contributing authors, Victor Acevedo, Peter Frank, Charlotte Frost, Michael J. Masucci, Thomas Miller

Published by Acevedomedia, November 2022

ACEVEDO in Context chronicles the development of Victor Acevedo’s artwork and addresses the milieu from which his work emerged; his key influences and the creative community that fostered his work and art actions in the 1990s and beyond. The book’s narrative is augmented with essays from four contributing authors, Peter Frank, Charlotte Frost, Thomas Miller, and Michael J. Masucci. The essays are presented along with quotations and notes by the artist himself. The text also includes transcriptions from previously unpublished writings and interviews with art historian Patric Prince and scientist-crystallographer, Arthur L. Loeb.

1977-1987: Analog Art: traditional media, painting, drawing & film
1983-2007: Digital Art: archival ink jet and photo prints
2007 to present: Electronic Visual Music: Digital Video and Digital Prints

Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital prints and videos. His current focus is producing electronic visual music works. His imagery has a metaphysical bent, expressed with geometrical abstraction, sometimes with figuration. His videos explore the perceptual implications of synesthesia and are influenced by sacred geometry as well as the geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics. As an ongoing practice, Acevedo issues still images sourced from his video works, in the form of signed limited edition prints and sometimes as NFTs.

As detailed in the book, Victor Acevedo’s key early influences were Cézanne, Picasso, M.C. Escher, Salvador Dali, Fritjof Capra and R. Buckminster Fuller. A deep study of their work and ideas, led him to the genesis of his space-frame & polyhedral graphical metaphor. It is a kind of ‘geometrical Surrealism’ and it is quite evident in his early traditional media work. It has a metaphysical bent, juxtaposing figuration with non-objective form. This interplay of geometry and a contemporary Surrealism carries over into both his digital print and video work. His digital work could also be classified as 'Techspressionism'.

Acevedo is considered a desktop computer art pioneer as he was an early adopter of personal computer software to create fine art in the early 1980s. He has shown his work in over 135 group and solo art exhibitions in the U.S. and Internationally since 1982.

Considering the phenomenology of synesthesia and integrating real-time video-mix workflows into his audio-visual studio practice, Acevedo initially positioned himself inside the genre called Visual Music. He later coined the term Electronic Visual Music in 2013. This was to describe his motion graphic work more accurately in the digital domain. The arc of Acevedo’s career is noteworthy in that it begins in his student phase in 1977 with traditional (analog) media painting and drawing and then shifts, starting in 1983 over a 4-year period to exclusively digital media. From still images to video (electronic visual music) work.

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© 2022 Acevedomedia:

The Art of Victor Acevedo

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